Lead-in-Water Annual Notification
Cromwell-Wright Public School is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for employees and students. The District maintains a lead-in-water management plan that was developed to reduce the potential for exposure to lead in water and to comply with Minnesota State Stature 121A.335.
Minnesota State Statute 121A.335 requires public school buildings serving pre-kindergarten and kindergarten through grade 12 to establish a plan to accurately and efficiently test for lead in potable water sources every five years. In addition to testing, the District has also implemented water management practices as well.
Our water testing is completed by a third party vendor, utilizing an accredited laboratory and was last completed in 2021, therefore, testing is required again in 2026.
Please find a link to our lead-in-water management plan below.
Should you want more information, have questions or concerns relating to the Districts processes, please contact the Superintendent, Nathan Libbon at 218-644-3716 x 1004. If you
have questions regarding your personal health concerns, please contact your healthcare provider.